B.C. Kenny takes first place at Harrisburg PA Bullseye Shoot in Senior Division Class with our powder coated bullets.
- September 21st, 2014
"After having tried the sample 230 grain 45 coated bullets I got at the last IDPA shoot, I am happy with the results. I started with about 35 loaded and shot them in my 1911. The barrel had some left over leading from the shoot and after shooting the 35 rounds one swipe with a clean patch showed a lead free barrel. Not only did they not lead the barrel but removed the existing leading." - Len
"I tried your .430 240 gr. SWC's in a 6" Super Blackhawk at 25 yards with excellent results. I also tried your .358 158 gr. SWC's out of a 6" GP 100 with equal results. I like the fact that the bullets have a slight greasy feel to them as this should prevent any corrosion over a long term storage. I also didn't get a 'chatter' from my Lee factory crimp die like I do with other commercial hard cast bullets." - Mark
“I loaded both coated and uncoated to medium and high velocity. The high velocity were at the top end for heavy 44 mag loads. No meaningful leading resulted in any of the loads. I did find, in my limited trials, that the uncoated provided better accuracy than the coated. And those results were consistent across the velocity range loaded. The accuracy of the coated bullets I felt was less than optimum. The uncoated shot very well. Those results might be unique to the gun I used, which was a Redhawk with the 7.5" barrel. In all, I was satisfied with the performance.” - Gerard
“Came up with a good load, didn't have much time to dial it in but right off the bat it seemed to do well. 125gr CN 9mm Coated, 5gr of Longshot, 1.100" OAL, 1120fps average. Did pretty good out of my 3.8" XD(m) Compact. Cycled well with no hangups.” - Ricky
“I just bought a sample bag of 50 bullets of 200gr SWC 45's Coated this morning at the gun show. These are my groups at 25 yards with HP 38 using an XDM 45 compact 3.8. The first target was with 5.6 gr and the second was 5.8 gr of powder. I will be buying more.” - John Jr
"Got to talk to these guys over the weekend at the gun show. Loaded some of their 44 cast bullets today and shot them. Work perfectly!! Very clean and consistent. I'm looking forward to loading the coated bullets I got from them." -Cody
"They shot just as well as Roger's Cast 'Better Bullets' that I normally shoot." - Mike
“Your bullets are extremely high-quality. I will spread the word on your product. I am extremely pleased with your merchandise.” - Stephen
"Just loaded some of the 38 100grain round nose. My Ruger GP100 loves them. Here is a 10 shot group from earlier today shot at 10 yards. I have include my load data for you guys to share." - Dennis
Just wanted to drop you a line and tell you about your product. I was skeptical at first since there was no pricing or really a way to order on your website. You returned my e mail within an hour giving me the info on how to order.
I placed an order with you over the phone that same afternoon. Seems like it maybe took two days for my bullets to arrive. That's quick in my book. You guys following up with order ship notification and the tracking number was great.
Upon inspection the first thing I noticed that the coating was much more uniform than the coated bullets I had received in the past from other suppliers.
It took me a couple of days to do some loads and take to the range. I was real impressed. " - Jess